The essence of good writing is to paint a vivid picture in the mind of the reader
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Write Bright allows you to work when it’s most convenient for you. You can leave and pick up your assignments whenever you want.
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The advanced version of Write Bright prepares you for becoming a professional writer. Apart from comprehensive assignments it can provide idea scenarios, hints on making your writing more appealing and how to tackle getting published.
There’s no quick solution to becoming an accomplished author. There’s no book you can read that will turn you overnight into a writer. The only way to learn how to write – is to write.
Using this software will help you to develop your own individual voice, a style that readers will associate with you. In the past, writers have been criticised by purists for their conceived poor use of language, and over-flowery descriptions. Fortunately, this didn’t deter their readers or we wouldn’t have the books of people like Dylan Thomas, Charles Dickens and William Shakespeare.
Like art, its value is in the mind of the reader. Literature is not good or bad, it is either popular or obscure. For this reason, we give prominence to content over technical proficiency.
This teaching aid complements the Write Bright tutorial to give a master class in crime writing.
Packed with hints and tips, it conducts the prospective author through the cognitive processes necessary to construct a complete and absorbing crime novel.
To participate at first hand in the creative process, the tutorial constructs an actual novel, as a demonstrative example of the construction of each individual stage.
Although the narrative is broadly crime based, the principles described here can be applied to suit other genres of fiction.