About Us

Creative Writing Academy

Write Bright uses the latest ‘Artificial Intelligence for Literature’ to provide a Personal Tutor for any aspiring writer. Either a beginner or someone who wishes to improve their writing style. The course is tailored to attune to the personal abilities of the student. It has been devised by a leading Creative Writer Professional to simplify the most challenging aspects of writing and give confidence to the student to tackle any literary project.

About the Author

Calvin Cox received 2 'O' levels and left school at 15 to become an electrician.

At the age of 70, with no previous experience, he decided to teach creative writing to old people who, knowing no better, consider him an adequate tutor.

He has written more than 30 books, all unpublished (apart from these).

His wife believes he is wasting his time.

Austen, Calvin's friend who is rather interested in tech and automation, was able to persuade Calvin to allow his decades of creative writing expertise to be painstakingly documented, collated, reverse engineered and meticulously cloned into a highly advanced AI... and 2.5 minutes later Write Bright was launched.